Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Variations in taking up rural job scheme

From The Hindu

CHENNAI: Variations in taking up the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) are being observed at the district level in areas such as Theni.

Geographical variations within Theni correspond to differential rates of taking up the scheme. The southern parts of the district such as the Cumbum valley are well irrigated due to their proximity to the Periyar river. The lush farmlands of this region, with crops such as paddy and coconut and vineyards, stand in stark contrast to the dry tracts of Andipatti to the north-east.

Implementation of the NREGS in Cumbum has been low, according to District Collector P. Muthuveeran. “In areas such as Cumbum and parts of Uttamapalayam there is agricultural work available throughout the year. In these regions, agricultural workers are relatively well-off and some of them own land.”

On the other hand, in Andipatti the implementation has been much stronger. The district administration’s efforts to boost employment under the NREGS are yielding results. In 2008-09, 317 works were sanctioned in Theni, of which 89 were completed.

With an expense of Rs.129.37 lakh, 841,900 man-days were generated, according to statistics provided by the Collectorate.

A text message that the Collector receives at 11 a.m. each day updates him on the number of workers at NREGS sites in the district. Recently the figure has been around 14,700, up from about 8,000 workers in November 2008, when he assumed office. “Over 105,972 people in eight blocks have registered for a job card and every week we are spending approximately Rs.54 lakh on the NREGS projects,” Mr. Muthuveeran said.

According to official data, 1044 families completed 100 days of work in 2008-09 and this figure is expected to more than double in 2009-10. The list of projects includes laying of roads, de-silting of rural tanks, strengthening of side bunds and deepening and strengthening of irrigation supply channels.

Though the daily wage rate under the NREGS has been fixed at Rs.80, on an average workers were paid in the range of Rs.61-75 per day, Mr. Muthuveeran admitted. The shortfall would, in most cases, be due to a lower level of work completed than that prescribed by the guidelines.

With the wage rate likely to rise to Rs.100 in the next few months, the implementation in areas such as Andipatti may be expected to rise further, according to Mr. Muthuveeran.

However in the Cumbum valley, where the wage rate could be as much as Rs.130 according to farmers in Theni, agriculture would probably continue to remain the primary area of employment for workers.

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