Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The West's misconceptions about North Korea
From The Hindu
Following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il less
than two weeks ago, the world has speculated on the succession question and what
that means for stability in a region populated with nuclear weapons. While many
discussions have focused on the uncertainty surrounding the Pyongyang's process
of selecting its next leader, Bruce Cumings of the University of
Chicago, the preeminent American scholar on the Korean Peninsula, has for years
consistently outlined a contrarian view of North Korean politics that defies
common stereotypes of the country. In an email interview, Professor Cumings
spoke to Narayan Lakshman about how he expects North Korea to
stride forth into the 21st century after the loss of its “Dear Leader.”
At the University of Chicago Prof. Cumings' research and
teaching focus on modern Korean history, 20th century international history,
U.S.-East Asian relations, East Asian political economy, and American foreign
relations. His first book, The Origins of the Korean War, won the John
King Fairbank Book Award of the American Historical Association, and the second
volume of this study won the Quincy Wright Book Award of the International
Studies Association. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
in 1999, and in 2007 he won the Kim Dae Jung Prize for Scholarly Contributions
to Democracy, Human Rights and Peace.
What do you think the United States can do in the immediate
aftermath of Kim Jong-il's passing to influence outcomes in the region?
For the time being I don't see any way the U.S. can influence the
situation in North Korea, but it should refrain from making comments about a
“power struggle” in the North [as Hillary Clinton did several times in 2009],
which is not likely to be true, and will be taken as very insulting by the
Who will Kim Jong-il's successor be and what sort of transition
process can we expect?
The only real precedent we have for the aftermath of Kim's death
is what happened in 1994 when Kim Il-sung died, and there was next to no serious
disruption in the leadership of the country, then or since. Kim Jong-il did not
appear for several years, the equivalent of the three years of mourning required
of the prince when the king died in pre-modern Korea; during this time the
leadership seemed paralysed, doing nothing, or very little, to stem the famine
that quickly swept the country after 1995. But, on the 50th anniversary of the
establishment of the regime in September 1998, there was Kim Jong-il emerging
clearly on top. So one can expect a similar passage in the North for the next
months and years, except that Kim Jong-un has far less experience than his
father — Kim Jong-il was clearly going to be his father's successor from the
early 1970s onward, and had decades of experience in all kinds of roles before
he became the top leader. The person who will most likely serve as a bridge
between father and son is Jong-il's brother-in-law, Chang Song-taek, who has
long been in charge of the top security agencies.
His role will be analogous to that of the Taewon'gun in the 1860s,
regent to King Kojong, when the Kojong was much younger even than Kim Jong-un,
but this regent successfully guided Kojong until he became a genuine leader, one
whose rule lasted for decades.
If he becomes North Korea's next leader, do you think the
younger Kim will manage the country differently to his father?
The best hope for the future is the Swiss education that Jong-un
and his brothers got, giving them years of experience in a free Western country,
whereas neither Jong-il nor his father had any experience of the West — neither
got farther than East Berlin. Many changes have also happened in recent years in
the North — hundreds if not thousands of markets, many joint ventures with
foreign firms, the huge export zone at Kaeson, where foreign firms employ more
than 40,000 North Koreans. So, that might make for a “happy ending” in the form
of a soft landing for this dictatorship, more opening to the outside world, and
eventual decompression of totalitarianism. The caveat here is the Arab Spring of
2011, which began in Tunisia but spread not just throughout the Middle East but
by the end of the year to Occupy Wall Street and huge demonstrations in Russia
against Putin. That will make the Pyongyang leadership very wary of its own
What is your view on the suggestion that the transition period
poses certain risks that could exacerbate uncertainty for the country?
The media — the New York Times, CNN, Fox, and many other
outlets here and abroad — constantly mistake this regime for a one-man
dictatorship. In fact an entire generation of leaders rose in tandem with Kim
Jong-il and they are now in power and have much privilege to protect, with
Jong-un being the key symbol of continuity and power. Furthermore, a senior
generation guided the transition to both Jong-il and his son — the ones still
alive still being strong leaders on the most powerful body, the National Defence
Commission; they may be octogenarians, but they have a huge army behind them,
and this is also one of the most patriarchal societies in the world. So their
guidance and control will most likely enable a second reasonably stable
political transition. We can also hope that the new leadership will have much
more concern for the welfare of their own people, rather than simply securing
their own power — the latter being the epitaph for Kim Jong-il's 17-years of
leadership, a record of failure at almost every level except the critical one of
maintaining maximum power for his family and the regime.
Labels: Bruce Cumings, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong-il death, Kim Jong-il successor, North Korea politics
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